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LCV Statement in Anticipation of President Trump’s Detailed Budget
Washington DC- Today Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters, released the following statement in anticipation of the release of President Trump’s FY18 budget proposal:
“President Donald J. Trump should keep his hands off the clean air and water, majestic public lands, and thriving wildlife that communities across the country expect our government to safeguard. This budget is further evidence that the Trump administration sides with Big Polluters at the expense of the health and well-being of families. Unconscionable cuts like the ones contained in Trump’s budget were roundly rejected in the recent 2017 spending bill. We urge Congress to again rebuff Trump’s dangerous proposal and pass a clean budget for 2018 free of anti-environmental or other harmful policy riders and with robust investments to safeguard our climate, air, water, lands, and wildlife.”