Press Releases

LCV Supports Dreamers, Urges Congress to Avoid Government Shutdown

Jan 19, 2018

Alyssa Roberts, 202-454-4573,

Washington, D.C. — The League of Conservation Voters released the following statement on a potential government shutdown:

“We support members of Congress who are working to protect our communities, especially young people whose lives could be upended if President Trump and Republican leadership continue to block efforts to protect Dreamers. A government shutdown would close our public lands, furlough EPA staff who protect our clean air and water, and disrupt many other crucial services that the Trump administration has a responsibility to maintain.

“Governing by chaos is no way to run our country, and turning the lives of young people who know no other home into political pawns is yet another blatant example of Trump and his allies in Congress refusing to put our communities first. There’s still time to find an agreement if President Trump sets aside his xenophobic beliefs and Republican leadership comes to the table to find a way to protect Dreamers and pass a budget that is free of anti-environmental policy riders, provides disaster relief from the recent devastating hurricanes, fires, and mudslides, and boosts investments in our communities on par with military spending.”