Tallahassee, Florida – LCV Victory Fund and American Bridge today released a new digital ad calling out Florida Senate candidate Rick Scott for trying to spin the facts on clean water and the devastating toxic algae crisis. Specifically, the ad points to the $700 million cut Scott made to Florida’s Water Management Districts – which are in charge of keeping Florida’s waters clean. Now, toxic algae is polluting Florida, killing wildlife, making kids sick, and devastating small businesses.
WATCH: “Rick Scott’s Water Crisis”
“For years, Rick Scott slashed environmental protections while raking in hundreds of thousands from big polluters – all at the expense of Floridians,” said Clay Schroers, LCV Victory Fund National Campaigns Director. “Scott is trying to pin the blame on anyone but himself, but slimy spin won’t change the fact that Rick Scott cut $700 million from water management.”
“Rick Scott only looks out for himself and his wealthy cronies, and now Floridians are paying the price,” said American Bridge Communications Director for Senate Campaigns Joshua Karp. “The toxic algae that is making families sick and devastating small businesses is Rick Scott’s fault – and count on Floridians to hold him accountable in November.”
Last week, Scott was named the first member of LCV Victory Fund’s signature “Dirty Dozen” list for 2018. In addition to cutting funding for water management, Scott is a climate change denier who banned the words “climate change” from official Florida government communications.
Scott even tried to spin his “Dirty Dozen” designation – his spokesperson reiterated false claims that Scott “invested record amounts in Florida’s environment,” which PolitiFact has previously called out as false.
A script of the ad can be found below, and research backup is available here.
“Rick Scott’s Water Crisis”
Toxic algae is polluting Florida’s rivers and beaches.
It’s killing wildlife, making kids sick, and devastating small businesses.
But Rick Scott cut $700 million from the fight to keep Florida’s waters clean. He even admitted it.
RICK SCOTT: “All together, these budgets reflect a reduction of more than $700 million dollars.”
Experts and local leaders agree Scott’s rolled back every common-sense safeguard on the books.
Putting polluters in charge, while they funnel cash to his campaign.
So the next time you hear Governor Scott say this:
RICK SCOTT: “We’ve got to continue to invest uh whatever we can in our environment.”
Remember – Rick Scott’s politics are dirty. And Florida’s paying the price.
Paid for by American Bridge 21st Century and LCV Victory Fund; not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.