Los Angeles, California – LCV Victory Fund today unveiled a $275,000 digital ad campaign to ensure voters know that Rep. Steve Knight (CA-25), Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA-48) and CA-49 candidate Diane Harkey have refused to act on climate change and supported policies that exacerbate its effects. With California facing some of the largest wildfires in the state’s history, the ads show how all three candidates have put polluters ahead of protecting Californians’ health and environment.
WATCH: “Gas Mask” (CA-25, Steve Knight)
WATCH: “Smoke & Fire” (CA-48, Dana Rohrabacher)
WATCH: “Gas Mask” (CA-49, Diane Harkey)
“Even as the state takes bold action to fight climate change, Californians still need Congress to stop blocking climate action and supporting pro-polluter policies that make global warming worse,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President for Campaigns. “Knight, Rohrabacher and Harkey are putting public health and safety in danger, and voters need to know about their records of blocking efforts to fight carbon pollution and protect clean air. They are dangerously out-of-step with California voters.”
Knight has an awful 3 percent lifetime environmental voting record on LCV’s scorecard. Despite joining the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus last year, Knight has continued to vote against climate solutions — recently, he opposed efforts to address methane pollution and supported an extreme fossil fuel-backed climate denial resolution. “Gas Mask” highlights Knight’s vote to block the lifesaving Clean Power Plan and his opposition to California’s efforts to decrease smog pollution and curtail climate change. More information on Knight’s record and research back for the ad can be found here.
Emulating President Trump, Rohrabacher has called climate change a “fraud” and “big lie.” He has a 10 percent lifetime environmental voting record. “Smoke & Fire” notes Rohrabacher’s opposition to several attempts to reduce carbon emissions and insistence that carbon dioxide does not hurt people’s health. More information on Rohrabacher’s climate conspiracies, voting record, and research back-up for the ad can be found here.
As a state assemblymember, Harkey also opposed cutting carbon pollution and sided with polluters time after time. She attempted to block California’s efforts to decrease smog pollution, curtail climate change and expand renewable energy like wind and solar. More information on Harkey’s record and research back-up for the ad can be found here.
The ads are running in partnership with Independence USA PAC.
Paid for by LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.