Washington, D.C. – Today, LCV Victory Fund is announcing they will use a $2.6 million mail campaign to reach out to millennials and others in the final days of the Presidential election in the critical battleground states of Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
The mail reaching out to millennials uses frank language to explain that a vote for third-party candidates increases the chances of a Trump presidency. It is being sent to over 1.1 million households in Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
“There are high stakes for young voters in this election, including the opportunity to meet the climate crisis head-on, and they overwhelmingly dislike Trump. But some may still be leaning towards a third-party candidate instead of Hillary, whose policies strongly align with their priorities,” said LCV National Campaigns Director Clay Schroers. “This is a group of young people who don’t want to risk a Trump presidency, and it’s important that they know that a vote for anyone but Hillary is a vote for Trump.”
In addition LCV Victory Fund will send mail to broader groups in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, targeting nearly 450,000 households.
This mail campaign builds on LCV Victory Fund’s previously announced $4.2 million persuasion canvass campaign in the presidential election in North Carolina, Nevada and Pennsylvania.
During the Democratic primary, LCV ran a digital ad campaign contrasting Hillary Clinton and Trump on climate and clean energy, and LCV Victory Fund supported digital campaigns with Priorities USA in support of Clinton and attacking Trump for his climate change denial. In addition, LCV Victory Fund and Priorities USA Action supported Hillary with a direct mail campaign targeting Democratic primary voters in Florida and North Carolina, encouraging them to take advantage of early vote options in their states.
LCV and its affiliated entities are on track to spend more than $40 million this election cycle, more than any other election cycle in its electoral history.
Paid for by LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.