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LCV Victory Fund Launches Arizona Ad Campaign Revealing Trump’s Anti-Environment Record to ‘Environmental Swing Voters’

May 18, 2020

Contact: Emily Samsel,, 828-713-9647

Phoenix, AZ — LCV Victory Fund today released the first round of Arizona’s high-impact digital ads and unique direct mail in its previously announced $14 million paid media program to expose the truth about Donald Trump’s environmental record to voters in the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

WATCH: “Hoax”
WATCH: “Deny”
WATCH: “Air” 
MAILER: “Denial”

In conjunction with the release of new ads, LCV Victory Fund named Donald Trump the “Dirtiest of All Time” on its 2020 Dirty Dozen list. This unprecedented dishonor is LCV Victory Fund’s first Dirty Dozen announcement this year and coincides with the 50th anniversary of the program.

“In the fifty-year history of the Dirty Dozen, no elected official has ever posed a bigger risk to our environment and our health than Donald Trump and he clearly deserves the title ‘Dirtiest of All Time,’” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund SVP of Campaigns. “Voters need to know that Trump denies the threat of climate change just like he denied the threat of the coronavirus and it’s the public who pays the price. His refusal to listen to the experts, and his prioritizing of corporations over people hurts our communities, especially communities of color and low-income communities.”

One of the first ads that will run in Arizona, “Hoax,” shows how Trump’s denial of science in response to the coronavirus pandemic and the climate crisis — both of which he first deemed a ‘hoax’ — is hurting people.

The ad says: “He denied the warnings of the coronavirus crisis, ‘This is their new hoax,’ ignored his medical experts, and we’re suffering because of it. And Donald Trump ignored 97% of climate scientists, NASA, and the Department of Defense, who agreed that climate change is real. Then put oil and coal lobbyists in charge of our environment. Trump even called climate change a hoax too. Donald Trump’s denial is costing us.”

Another ad, “Air,” points out the ways that Trump’s environmental rollbacks allow corporate polluters to pump more toxins into Arizona’s dangerously polluted air and harm the health of Arizona families.

The paid media program in Arizona includes a series of different digital ads and direct mail that use research-driven messaging about Trump’s record on climate, and its links to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the environment, and the damage he’s doing to clean air and drinkable water.

Paid media will be targeted at a total universe of over 150,000 swing voters in Arizona who care about the environment, identified through advanced modeling techniques.

Scripts for the sample digital ads are below.

VO: He denied the warnings of the coronavirus crisis
Trump: ‘This is their new hoax’
VO: Ignored his medical experts
And we’re suffering because of it
And Donald Trump ignored 97% of climate scientists, NASA, and the Department of Defense
Who agreed that climate change is real
Then put oil and coal lobbyists in charge of our environment
Trump even called climate change a hoax too
Trump: ‘It’s a hoax, it’s a hoax’
VO: Donald Trump’s denial is costing us

VO: Deny, Deny, Deny
Trump denies the challenges we face
Trump denied the coronavirus
Trump: ‘This is their new hoax’
VO: Just like Trump denied climate change
Trump: ‘It’s a hoax, it’s a hoax’
VO: Ignoring scientists and medical experts
Trump’s in denial and we pay the price

Arizona has some of the most polluted air in the country
And Trump is making our air even worse
By eliminating rules that stop corporate polluters from pumping more dangerous toxins into our air
Air pollution can cause asthma, heart, and lung disease
It’s harming our health

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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.