Minneapolis, Minnesota – In a new TV ad, LCV Victory Fund calls out Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN-03) for trying to deceive voters about his record of siding with Trump and corporate polluters.
WATCH: “Paddling”
Paulsen has attempted to convince voters that he’ll stand up for Minnesota’s environment, focusing his first TV ad of the cycle on efforts to protect the Boundary Waters. But Paulsen has continually voted to gut protections for clean air, water and public lands, earning a 14 percent on LCV’s 2017 National Environmental Scorecard. That included votes to block the Clean Water Rule and cut millions from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which recently provided $4 million to protect an addition 50,000 acres of the Boundary Waters.
Last month, the Trump administration announced they will be allowing mining exploration just outside of the Boundary Waters and stopped an environmental review of how mining would impact the wilderness area.
“Paulsen’s empty words haven’t stopped Trump from allowing corporate polluters to mine near the Boundary Waters, and Minnesotans won’t be fooled by his election-year environmentalism,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President for Campaigns. “Talking points don’t make policy — votes do, and Paulsen has voted with Trump 98 percent of the time.”
A fact check of Paulsen’s Boundary Waters ad revealed that it was filmed at a lake in suburban Minneapolis, not the Boundary Waters wilderness area.
A script of the ad can be found below, and research backup is available here.
Erik Paulsen. He’s with Trump.
Voting against limiting methane gas pollution.
And voting to allow coal mining companies to dump waste into America’s waterways.
On the environment, we know who Paulsen’s with.
LCV Victory Fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.
Paid for by LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.