Phoenix, Arizona – Today, LCV Victory Fund named Arizona Senate candidate Martha McSally to its annual Dirty Dozen list. For more than 20 years, the Dirty Dozen program has targeted candidates who consistently side against the environment. McSally has routinely voted with polluters over Arizonans, earning her a lifetime score of 6 percent on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard and a spot on this year’s Senate Dirty Dozen. Just this week, Arizonans were calling out McSally for failing to address a cross-border sewage leak impacting residents of Naco.
LCV Victory Fund also announced that the New American Jobs Fund field program would be expanded in Arizona. The program, in partnership with United Steelworkers (USW) Works, has been talking to voters in Phoenix since August about how they can grow Arizona’s clean energy economy and will invest an additional $1.7 million to expand to a voter turnout canvass in Phoenix as well as in Tucson and the surrounding Pima County area.
While in Congress, McSally has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from the oil and gas industry, and supported a tax plan that gave $25 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil. Meanwhile, she has consistently voted against the Clean Power Plan, against efforts to grow Arizona’s clean energy economy, and against clean air protections — despite Phoenix having some of the worst air pollution in the country.
“This year’s midterms mark a critical time in our country’s history and we must elect senators who have strong, pro-environment values in order to safeguard our clean air, clean energy, clean water, and public health,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President for Campaigns. “Martha McSally has proved time and again that she is a threat to our health, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the clean energy economy we need. She’s a best friend to polluters, but Arizonans deserve a senator who is a champion for them.”
“Arizona has some of the worst air pollution in the country,” said Laura Dent, Executive Director of Chispa Arizona PAC. “While in Congress, Martha McSally has been a rubber stamp for Donald Trump’s toxic agenda. Her actions have endangered our families and disproportionately impacted vulnerable communities. She’s proved we can’t trust her, and it’s on all of us to get out and vote on Election Day.”
Doctors and public health experts have warned of the dangers of pollution, including increased asthma among children and in some cases, more premature deaths. McSally consistently has voted against clean air and clean energy, including voting to block safeguards against air pollution from mercury, arsenic, and chromium, voting to block the EPA from setting limits on methane pollution, and voting to attack Smog Protections and the Clean Air Act. She also voted to slash funding for environmental protections and to undo protections for clean air and clean water. McSally’s full anti-environmental voting record can be found here.
LCV Action Fund has endorsed Kyrsten Sinema in the race, noting her consistent record of protecting Arizona’s public lands and her strong conservation values.
Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.