The League of Conservation Voters, Clean Water Action, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Sierra Club sent the below letter to the House of Representatives urging Members to oppose the following amendments to H.R. 4365, the 2024 Department of Defense Appropriations Act when they come up for votes. The League of Conservation Voters will strongly consider including votes related to these amendments in our 2023 National Environmental Scorecard.
September 27, 2023
United States House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Re: Amendments to H.R. 4365, the 2024 Department of Defense Appropriations Act
Dear Member of Congress,
On behalf of our many members and supporters, the undersigned groups make the following vote recommendations on amendments to H.R. 4365, the 2024 Department of Defense Appropriations Act. While not all undersigned organizations work directly on each of these issues, we appreciate your consideration of these pro-environmental positions.
We also write to express our disapproval of Sec. 8147 of the underlying bill, which would block funds from being used to finalize the Federal Acquisition Regulation “Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk.” This rule would require “major” federal contractors, who have more than $50 million in annual government contracts, to disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and relevant Scope 3 emissions, provide annual climate-risk disclosure reports, and produce science-based emissions reduction targets. These companies make up only 1.3% of all federal contractors but 85% of greenhouse gas emissions in the federal supply chain. This language seeks to undermine the federal government’s responsibility to protect taxpayer dollars from the financial risks of climate change.
Thank you for your consideration,
League of Conservation Voters
Clean Water Action
Natural Resources Defense Council
Sierra Club
Vote NO
177. Roy. This amendment would block spending to implement executive orders that help reduce pollution, adapt to climate change, and improve the clean energy independence of buildings and installments. The damaging effects of this amendment would include hobbling our military’s ability to prepare for and respond to the very real threats of the climate crisis at home and abroad.
The following amendments go against our organizations’ commitment to racial justice and equity – we urge on any en bloc that includes these or similar amendments: 153 Boebert, 154 Clyde, 155 Clyde, 168 Norman, 169 Norman, 174 Roy, and 175 Roy.