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MEMO: On Primary Day in MD-04, LCV Victory Fund is Proud to Support the #7MillionDollarWoman

Jul 19, 2022

Contact: Emily Samsel,, 828-713-9647

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund SVP of Campaigns
DATE: July 19, 2022
RE: On Primary Day in MD-04, LCV Victory Fund is Proud to Support the #7MillionDollarWoman

As voters in Maryland’s 4th Congressional District head to the polls for today’s primary election, LCV Victory Fund is proud of our work in support of lifelong climate and environmental justice champion Donna Edwards. With a 97% lifetime LCV score during her previous terms in Congress, Donna Edwards is a proven fighter for Prince George’s families. Edwards has run an honest, grassroots primary campaign focused on her record of climate action, creating good-paying jobs, supporting family programs like the children’s health insurance program, providing after school meals, lowering housing costs, and making college more affordable.

The former Congresswoman is up against an absurd $7 million in opposition spending from AIPAC and affiliated front groups, but that hasn’t deterred Donna Edwards – she has taken the attacks in stride, and branded herself the #7MillionDollarWoman.

Over the last few months, LCV Victory Fund has run the following paid media programs in support of Donna Edwards, totaling $650,000 in independent expenditures:

Digital Advertising

LCV Victory Fund launched two digital ads in late June, “Proven Democrat” and “Stands Up.” The ads highlight Edwards’ record as a proven Democrat committed to standing up to big polluters and the NRA, as well as key endorsements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Elizabeth Warren. Digital ads: “Proven Democrat”; “Stands Up”

Direct Mail

LCV Victory Fund ran a five piece direct mail campaign in the primary beginning July 1. Mailers were sent to Black women and voters under the age of 50, as well as any voters new to the 4th Congressional District. Two sample mail pieces: Experienced, Progressive Leader; Endorsements


LCV Victory Fund ran radio ads in support of Edwards beginning the week of July 4 on radio stations in Maryland’s 4th Congressional District that reach a large audience of Black voters. Radio ads: “Call to Mom”; “Proven

LCV Victory Fund first announced it would back Edwards in her primary in early May, as part of the group’s commitment to supporting pro-environment women of color candidates. LCV Action Fund endorsed Edwards’ 2022 Congressional campaign in January.

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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.