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NEW 2020 POLL: Climate and Clean Energy – Winning Issues in Primary & General

Jun 25, 2019

Contact: Emily Samsel,, 202-454-4573

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and CAP Action Fund released new 2020 polling on climate and clean energy today. The national survey of both Democratic primary voters and general election voters across 2020 battleground states was conducted this month by Hart Research and Normington Petts.

A memo summarizing the poll results can be found here and embedded below.

A slide deck on the poll results can be found here.

Key takeaways include:

  • Democratic primary voters expect and demand that candidates offer clear and effective plans for addressing climate change and moving the country to 100% clean energy. They want candidates to offer plans that do what scientists say is necessary to address the climate challenge, and they want candidates to take on fossil fuel special interests.
  • Climate and clean energy policy can be important assets for the Democratic nominee in the general election. A large majority of voters disapprove of Trump’s handling of these issues. They reject Trump’s dismissal of climate science and his record of putting oil, gas, and coal company CEOs in charge of the country’s climate and environmental policies.
  • The majority of general election voters support moving America to 100% clean energy and believe this will create jobs. It is important for Democratic candidates to communicate their commitment to climate and energy policies that work for working families and promote a growing economy
  • The most powerful messages about the need for strong policies to address climate change focus on:
    • current and near-term costs, including economic costs;
    • loss of life from climate-related disasters;
    • and health and environmental impacts on clean air and water.