Helena, MT — Today, EDF Action Votes and LCV Victory Fund will launch a $3 million television ad campaign spotlighting Steve Daines’ record of putting special interests and out-of-state billionaires ahead of Montana families and their public lands, including threatening access for hunters and anglers. The ad hits Daines for his ties to Texas billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks who are “pushing a radical anti-public-lands agenda across the Rocky Mountain West.”
WATCH: “The Highest Bidder”
LCV VF and EDF Action Votes ads will start running today on broadcast with the EDF Action Votes ad running in Helena and Great Falls media markets and the LCV Victory Fund ad running in Butte/Bozeman and Billings media markets.
The ad says, “The Texas billionaires Wilks Brothers have it all. They’re the largest individual landowners in Montana. They even have their own Senator — Steve Daines. Daines took over eight hundred thousand from real estate interests and the Wilks family. No wonder Daines voted to open the door for out of state developers, threatening access for Montana’s hunters and anglers. Steve Daines is for them. Not us.”
“Steve Daines hasn’t spent his time in Washington fighting for Montanans, but instead, he’s been looking out for Texas billionaires and land developers,” said EDF Action President Joe Bonfiglio. “He voted to put the state’s public lands at risk, rather than stand up for Montana hunters and anglers. Montana can’t afford another six years of Steve Daines.”
“Senator Daines sides with the billionaire Wilks Brothers and corporate interests that fund his campaign – not Montanans,” said Megan Jacobs, National Campaigns Director, LCV Victory Fund. “Steve Daines’ six percent lifetime LCV score and long anti-public lands, anti-environment record speaks for itself. We aren’t buying Daines’ politically convenient conservationism.”
Paid for by EDF Action Votes, edfactionvotes.org, and LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.