Washington, D.C. — In just the last two weeks, leading newspapers across the country have called on the Senate to pass comprehensive climate legislation through the Build Back Better package. Editorial boards endorsed passing the bill’s $555 billion in clean energy and climate-related investments and made clear that their communities are out of time to act on climate.
“Democrats cannot allow intraparty squabbling to keep them from delivering on the sweeping bill, even if that sweep must be cut back.”
“Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., has indicated support for the climate legislation but also an interest in rewriting it from scratch. There isn’t time for that. The midterm elections are in November, and Congress has to put together a budget.” “State-level efforts are not enough. The United States can’t do its part to save the planet without strong federal laws. Congress must enact climate measures quickly.”
“The Build Back Better Act that would aim more than $500 billion at renewable power, electric vehicles, electric stations, solar and other programs could, according to Princeton researchers, get the U.S. close to its goal. But the bill remains stuck in the Senate.”
“This is a must-pass bill. The climate crisis is the most existential threat to humanity. Action is long-overdue and the need is urgent. Failure to move this bill and ramp federal action now could set this nation back years — potentially a decade or more — all at the moment when we have a narrow window to act — to Build Back Better.”
“We are running out of time to avert catastrophic warming and we can’t allow dawdling and weak-kneed politicians to jeopardize our future with inaction and half-measures that are increasingly at odds with public opinion and reality. Leaders must stop treating the destruction of the planet as one pet issue among many. It is the defining threat of our time, and they should be jolted into action.”
This comes on top of several endorsements and editorials from leading papers previously calling on Congress to pass the Build Back Better agenda and finally make badly need clean energy and climate investments: