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Within the first 100 hours after the inauguration of our nation’s 45th president, Chispa Arizona rallied with members of its local faith community to safeguard Mother Earth.
Interfaith Action for the Earth brought locals, activists and the faithful together to call for safeguarding environmental protections and demand additional protections for communities of color and those most vulnerable to a changing climate. They organized this gathering in recognition of the challenge of climate action under President Trump.
Among the asks by the groups gathered on the state capitol lawn was to keep and grow clean energy jobs and policies that protect water, air and land.
“Our faith leaders have strong ties to local communities, the same communities we work with every day to protect our environment,” said Masavi Perea, state program director of Chispa Arizona. “We are proud to call them allies in the fight for climate justice.”
The event included spoken word, spiritual calls, prayer and music.
Chispa AZ is a community organizing program of the League of Conservation Voters’ Chispa program. We build the capacity of Latinos and families to influence policy makers and pressure polluters to protect communities’ rights to clean air and water, healthy neighborhoods and a safe climate for generations to come.