WASHINGTON, DC – With the opening of the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), or the international Paris climate change conference, League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Board Chair Carol Browner issued the following statement:
“Since day one in his administration, President Obama has been taking meaningful steps to reduce the carbon pollution that fuels climate change. While radical climate change deniers in Congress have blocked legislative action, the president is using his authority under existing law to reduce the pollution driving climate change and to build the momentum for a strong international climate agreement. President Obama’s leadership has resulted in historic fuel efficiency and clean car standards, the first ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants, and meaningful climate pledges from major emitters like China.
“The president heads to Paris having led the United States to take the biggest step in its history to tackle climate change and with more than 180 countries having come forth with their own climate commitments. The American people and people around the world are eager for an ambitious agreement that brings together all countries to transition away from dirty energy and toward clean, renewable energy. A Paris agreement can move the world forward on a path that allows us to avoid the worst consequences of climate change and achieves a true clean energy economy.
“While we are well on our way to making meaningful reductions in carbon pollution, there is significant work that remains. An agreement is Paris is essential for getting us started toward a safe pathway that avoids catastrophic climate change, but continued leadership from the United States and the global community will be needed to preserve a safe, livable world for future generations.”