WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tomorrow, the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship is expected to vote on Chairman Vitter’s “Sense of the Committee” resolution on small business input to the EPA’s Clean Water Rule. In response, LCV Legislative Representative Madeleine Foote issued the following statement:
“The Republican-led Senate is again trying to put roadblocks in the way of the EPA’s Clean Water Rule, which will restore pollution protections for the drinking water of 117 million Americans. Last week, LCV launched a $300,000 national television ad campaign telling Congress that they need to support the rule in order to protect drinking water. Our recent polling found that four out of five voters favor the rule with over two-thirds saying they would judge their Senator less favorably if they voted to block it. The American people are sending a clear message to Congress, and it’s time for members to decide if they’ll stand with polluters or with American families and clean drinking water.”