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LCV Launches Ad Campaign Urging Senators to Stop Supporting Trump’s National Monument “Review”

Jul 6, 2017

Alyssa Roberts, 202-454-4573,

Multi-platform digital ads engage the public to urge Heller, Flake, Risch, Crapo & the Trump administration to protect our public lands and waters

With less than a week until comment period closes, LCV members surpass goal of 250,000 comments urging administration to keep monuments

Washington, D.C. – With just days left until the Trump administration closes the public comment period for its unprecedented and misguided “review” of our national monuments, the League of Conservation Voters launched a $75,000 multi-platform digital ad campaign to engage people in Nevada, Arizona and Idaho to urge their senators to protect our public lands and waters. Part of LCV’s “Our Lands, Our Vote” initiative, the ads urge constituents to contact four senators who have been vocal supporters of the monument review: Sens. Dean Heller, Jeff Flake, Jim Risch and Mike Crapo.

The campaign includes animated videos on Facebook and Instagram, geo-targeted Snapchat filters featuring national monuments and public lands and waters in each state, Spanish-language ads, and display ads on The Arizona Republic and the Reno Gazette-Journal websites.

“Senators who support this unprecedented assault on our national monuments are gambling with the future of not just these places, but all of our majestic national parks and monuments,” said Gene Karpinski, President of LCV. “From Craters of the Moon in Idaho to Gold Butte in Nevada to Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, these monuments help drive the West’s booming outdoor recreation economy and preserve our shared natural and cultural heritage. These lands belong to all of us, not corporate polluters. Will Senators Heller, Flake, Risch and Crapo continue to listen to the dirty energy industry or side with the hundreds of thousands of people who have already said they want these lands protected for current and future generations?”

According to a recent poll, more than 80 percent of Arizonans and Nevadans want to keep protections for existing national monuments in place.

In another sign of the overwhelming public support for our monuments, LCV members have already reached an initial goal of 250,000 comments opposing the monument review and calling for current protections for national monuments to remain. The “Our Lands, Our Vote” campaign is now aiming to surpass 300,000 comments before next week’s deadline.

The Interior Department’s public comment period closes on July 10 and Secretary Zinke’s final recommendation for each monuments’ future is due to Trump on August 24.