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Press Releases

LCV Responds to Oil & Gas CEO Hearing on Capitol Hill: ‘Enough is enough’

Apr 6, 2022

Courtnee Connon,

Washington, D.C. – In anticipation of today’s House Energy and Commerce hearing, “Gouged at the Gas Station: Big Oil and America’s Pain at the Pump” with oil and gas CEOs, LCV displayed an art installation featuring a wall of oil barrels on the National Mall to highlight the oil industry’s price gouging and hold them accountable for these excessive gas prices: 

Additional photos of the art installation are available for public use here.

In response to the hearing LCV released the following statement from LCV President Gene Karpinski:

“Enough is enough. Big Oil CEOs and their Republican allies on the Energy and Commerce Committee lied to the public today – we can’t drill our way out of high gas prices. It is abhorrent that these companies continue to take advantage of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and hold back supply to reward shareholders with record profits, while spending millions to obstruct real, affordable clean energy solutions.

“We applaud Energy and Commerce Chair Pallone, Subcommittee Chair DeGette, and environmental champions on the committee who conducted critical oversight of fossil fuel misinformation and held polluters accountable for their price gouging and war profiteering. The only real solution to high and unreliable gas prices is clean energy independence. The Senate must meet the moment on climate and insulate the nation from volatile fossil fuel prices by swiftly enacting the House-passed $555 billion investments in climate, clean energy and environmental justice into law.”
