Washington, D.C. – The League of Conservation Voters released the following statement in advance of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s first hearing on the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 from Legislative Representative Madeleine Foote:
“The America’s Water Infrastructure Act is an important step in the right direction towards fixing our crumbling water infrastructure and ensuring every family has access to clean, safe water. We greatly appreciate the efforts of Ranking Member Carper, Senator Cardin, and others who worked to keep this bill streamlined, focusing on steps, such as water efficiency and nature-based solutions, that lead towards a smarter, more sustainable future and rejecting any anti-environmental provisions that would further undermine the NEPA process or jeopardize our clean air and water. We look forward to continuing to work with the committee to ensure that we’re investing in the infrastructure that will protect and serve all our communities for decades to come.”