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LCV Statement on First Night of Presidential Primary Debate

Jun 27, 2019

Emily Samsel,, 202-454-4573

Miami, FL: In response to the first night of the Democratic Primary Debate, the League of Conservation Voters issued the following statement from SVP of Government Affairs, Tiernan Sittenfeld:

“While it’s encouraging that many of the candidates prioritized both the climate crisis and clean energy solutions tonight, it simply wasn’t enough.  At a time when voters overwhelmingly want climate action and when we have so little time to act, the moderators barely scratched the surface of this existential threat in a city that could literally be underwater in our lifetimes.  The 2020 election is our last, best opportunity to address the climate crisis, and we have no time to waste.  We expect the moderators and the candidates to make the climate crisis a very top priority tomorrow night, day in and day out on the campaign trail, and in future debates.
