Washington, DC— In response to the House passage of H.J. Res. 36, the Congressional Review Act “Resolution of Disapproval” of the Methane and Waste Prevention rule, LCV President Gene Karpinski issued the following statement:
“Republican House leadership continued their assault on the environment today, this time voting to permanently block the Methane and Waste Prevention Rule that reduces dangerous methane pollution released by the oil and gas industry on our public lands. States like Colorado have demonstrated that commonsense safeguards like this are achievable by the industry while also providing real benefits for our health and climate and ensuring that taxpayers at all levels receive a fair return for use of their public lands. There’s absolutely no reason why the industry can’t and shouldn’t be responsible for limiting the methane pollution they waste, leak, vent, and flare from our public lands. This rollback is like an early Valentine’s Day gift from the Republican-led House to the oil and gas industry, showing that they love them more than their constituents and everyone who is affected by this pollution. We call on the Senate to do the right thing and block this extreme assault on our air, public lands, and climate.”