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Washington, D.C.- In response to the introduction of H.R. 9 the Climate Action Now Act, the League of Conservation Voters released the following statement from President Gene Karpinski:
“Kudos to Speaker Pelosi, Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Chair Kathy Castor, and the pro-environment House majority for stepping up to renew America’s leadership in combating the climate crisis. We must act now to prevent even more devastating public health, economic, and national security impacts.
“Voters elected a new House majority in 2018 that promised to hold this administration accountable, and the Climate Action Now Act is an important first step against one of the most irresponsible and dangerous decisions made by President Trump – the decisions to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. The League of Conservation Voters strongly supports this legislation, and will continue to work with this Congress and elected officials in states across the country to advance this and other climate solutions that our nation and our planet desperately need.”