Washington, D.C. — In response to the introduction today of the For the People Act, the Senate companion to the House’s H.R.1, the League of Conservation Voters released the following statement from Tiernan Sittenfeld, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs:
“We applaud Senator Udall and the entire Senate Democratic caucus for introducing this comprehensive pro-democracy legislation and we hope that the Senate will join the House of Representatives in passing it. Prioritizing improvements to our voting rights, campaign finance system, and ethics laws means more power to the people, and less corrupting influence by corporations.
“This legislation is an important step towards a stronger democracy, and will allow the communities of color, indigenous people, women and young people who disproportionately face the harmful impacts of environmental degradation to have their voices heard. We urge the Senate to take up this bill and have a meaningful debate; refusal to vote on these overwhelmingly popular reforms would be a unmistakable admission by Senate leadership that they are opposed to the people having an equal voice in the political process.”