
The health of our planet and the health of our democracy are inextricably linked. Those most impacted by the climate crisis are also facing the greatest barriers to voting. Achieving meaningful progress on climate change will be more difficult without an equitable democracy that works for everyone.

Painter on a ladder works on a mural that depicts protestors with signs reading "Democracy for All"

The principles that keep democracy running in the U.S. are under attack.

LCV fights to pass legislation for a strong, equitable democracy in Congress and, with our state affiliates, in state legislatures.
We advocate for judges who reflect our country’s diversity and know what it means to work for the people, such as Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman and first public defender to serve on the Supreme Court.
And we’ll fight to pass pro-voter laws, to weaken Big Lie proponents, to strengthen campaign finance and ethics laws, and to take back our courts.

Protecting our Democracy

LCV and our state affiliates fight against blatant attacks on our democracy like election disinformation, violent threats against election workers, restrictive voting laws, and far-right attempts to capture our courts to build a fair and just democracy for all. The future of our climate and our democracy is at stake.

Read our 2022 Democracy Report (PDF).

  • State Policy

    As part of LCV’s Democracy work, LCV has developed a network-wide advocacy program to advance state and local policies protecting and promoting equitable democracy and voting rights. LCV advances pro-voter and pro-democracy policy priorities aimed at closing the racial voter participation gap with our strategic investments in state and local advocacy and legislation.

  • Voting Rights

    For far too long, restrictive voting laws and right-wing partisan gerrymandering have distorted our democracy, disproportionately suppressing voters especially and not limited to voters of color and naturalized citizens, voters who use English as a secondary language, youth and elderly voters, voters with disabilities, and voters who live in low-income communities. LCV is fighting at the local, state and federal levels for a country where every voter can participate equitably in our democracy, and where the people’s voices aren’t drowned out by big polluters’ money. A healthy democracy and a healthy environment are inextricably linked, and reforming our democracy means fighting for the power of the overwhelming majority of people in this country who want to see meaningful action on climate change.

  • Judiciary

    Environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who enforce them.

    LCV supports pro-environment, pro-democracy judges at every level of the federal and state courts. In addition, we support expanding and rebalancing the United States Supreme Court to include four additional seats for justices who will work for the people, not deep-pocketed polluters and their allies. Our nation’s highest court has been packed by far-right interests waging an unprecedented judicial assault on our environment, our democracy, our equality, and our reproductive rights. Without a deliberate rebalancing, the Supreme Court — with its justices who serve for life — is positioned to continue imposing an extremist agenda for a generation to come.

  • Election Security & Fighting Disinformation

    We can’t have a healthy environment without a healthy democracy. Now it is more important than ever to defend the rule of law and combat election sabotage, disinformation, and blatant voter suppression efforts intended to further exclude the communities who face the most devastation from the climate crisis and environmental injustice. Time and time again, these are communities of color and low-wealth communities.

    In addition, we are fighting to keep our elections free and fair by helping fill the national gap of technologically and culturally adept poll workers. Poll workers across the nation play a critical role in safeguarding our elections and ensuring the right to a secure, fair and accessible vote in all communities. From keeping polling places running smoothly to answering voters’ questions to counting ballots, they play critical roles in ensuring every eligible voter is able to register, vote, and feel confident that their vote counted.

    Voting rights are under attack by conservative legislators and judges, January 6th conspirators continue to scheme to sabotage our elections, and corporations continue to funnel millions of dollars towards rampant disinformation and proponents of the Big Lie. LCV knows we must fight for the fundamental principle that every vote must be counted.

  • Money in Politics

    LCV is fighting for more transparency in our elections. Undisclosed and unlimited secret campaign contributions from fossil fuel interests threaten both our environment and our democracy. They distort our politics, drowning out communities of color and communities with low wealth who are most impacted by the climate crisis and pollution.

“Communities of color, overburdened by health and environmental crises, are the same communities that this country has traditionally and intentionally left out of the democratic process. And the same efforts that have been used for decades to suppress voting — restricting access to absentee voting, limiting early voting, closing polling places in communities of color, preventing online voter registration — are what is putting our election system at particular risk this year.”

Justin Kwasa

Voting Rights Program Director

Take Action to Protect Voting Rights

Tell Congress: Pass the Freedom to Vote Act

The Freedom to Vote Act will ban partisan gerrymandering in congressional elections, improve our broken campaign finance system, and combat partisan election subversion — all of which are critical to allowing voters to freely and fairly elect representatives who will take meaningful action on climate change. Help protect voting rights. Urge Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act today.

Send an Email Now
A man checks in to vote at a polling station.
Tell Congress: Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

Every day, new headlines announce state legislation that disenfranchises voters of color across the country. And far-right judges are upholding these restrictive laws. The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act would restore and modernize the 1965 Voting Rights Act and block racist laws before they can be enacted. We need voting protections now more than ever. Tell Congress to put an end to racially discriminatory voter suppression once and for all.

Send a Message to Congress
An art installation reads "Voters Decide, Protect our Democracy: Let's build an inclusive democracy and a stronger, fairer, and more transparent electoral system." The Capitol is seen in the background.

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