WASHINGTON, DC – Tomorrow, the House and Senate Appropriations Committee will mark-up the FY2016 Interior-EPA Appropriations Bills. In anticipation, LCV Deputy Legislative Director Alex Taurel released the following statement:
“It is no surprise that House Republican leaders are advancing an anti-environmental spending bill that’s a complete giveaway to their polluter backers, but the depth and scope of attacks in this bill are outrageous. Not only does this spending bill slash funding for critical priorities like the EPA and the Land and Water Conservation Fund, it contains more than 20 devastating policy riders that have no place in a spending bill. These riders threaten Americans’ health, blocking the EPA’s Clean Water Rule from protecting the drinking water of 117 million Americans and preventing the still unreleased Clean Power Plan from reining in unlimited carbon pollution. We urge Senate Republican leaders to take a different approach in their version of the bill and adequately fund the agencies that protect our health and environment, and refrain from using the appropriations process to advance an anti-environmental agenda.”