Washington, D.C. — In response to passage of H.R. 1915, the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021, through the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) issued the following statement from Deputy Legislative Director Madeleine Foote:
“Thanks to Chair DeFazio and Subcommittee Chair Napolitano for prioritizing environmental justice and climate change in their strong water infrastructure bill that will help provide all communities with access to clean, safe, and affordable water. We’re especially thrilled to see a significant increase in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, increased grants and loan forgiveness for low-income communities and communities of color who have historically borne the brunt of pollution and failing water infrastructure, and funding to help communities invest in green infrastructure and adapt to climate change. Clean water is a basic human right, and this bill is an important piece of delivering on the American Jobs Plan that will improve the health of our communities, tackle the climate crisis, create high-quality, union jobs, and go a long way toward achieving environmental justice.”
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