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LCV Statement on Infrastructure Negotiations

May 21, 2021

Contact: Emily Samsel,, 828-713-9647

Washington, D.C. — In response to ongoing negotiations over the American Jobs Plan, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) issued the following statement from Tiernan Sittenfeld, SVP of Government Affairs:

“The GOP’s infrastructure proposal continues to fall unacceptably and dangerously short of what voters are calling for — big investments to create good-paying jobs in the clean energy economy while tackling the climate crisis and environmental injustice. It’s clear that Congressional Republicans aren’t willing to act at the scale required to confront the crises we face, and we simply cannot waste any more time. The American Jobs Plan is overwhelmingly popular and has the backing of labor unions, environmental justice leaders, businesses, and local leaders from across the country. Congress should pass it now.”

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