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Press Releases

LCV Statement on Maryland’s Climate Solutions Now Act becoming law

Apr 9, 2022

Nick Abraham,, 206-833-7021

Yesterday, Maryland’s Climate Solutions Now Act became law, giving the state the strongest carbon pollution reduction goal in the country. Bill Holland, LCV’s Senior Director of State Policy, Advocacy, & Network-wide Campaigns issued the following statement celebrating the victory:

“The Climate Solutions Now Act is the most significant action on climate we have seen anywhere in the country in 2022. This is a critical moment. The consequences of the climate crisis are growing and Marylanders feel the impacts from hotter summers, rising sea levels, and stronger storms every day. We are so proud to see such powerful leadership to tackle this crisis head-on.

From new electric school buses so our kids can breathe easier to stronger efficiency standards in new buildings, this new package will create a cleaner healthier future and invest in thousands of good paying clean energy jobs for Marylanders. Thanks to the tireless work of Delegate Kumar Barve, Delegate Dana Stein, Delegate CT Wilson, Senator Paul Pinsky, Senate President Bill Ferguson, and Speaker Adrienne Jones Maryland is reestablishing its climate and clean energy leadership.”

The Climate Solutions Now Act takes the following concrete steps to reduce pollution and build the state’s clean energy economy for all Maryland communities:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets that are among the strongest in the country
  • Carefully articulated provisions to allocate resources for low- to-moderate income communities and prevent further harm to communities most vulnerable to climate-related impacts
  • A new program to help more school districts transition their school bus fleets to electric buses, with the goal of protecting the more than 650,000 Maryland children who ride to school on polluting diesel buses
  • A path to transition all of Maryland’s state-owned fleet of cars and light-duty trucks from fossil fuel to zero-emission vehicles;
  • Tax exemptions for community solar projects serving low or moderate-income customers, lessening pressure on our open space and agricultural land while expanding the benefits of solar to underserved communities.
  • Expanding the Chesapeake Conservation Corps Program to include climate and clean energy projects
  • Reduced emissions from large buildings by 20% by 2030 and achieve a net zero target by 2040