Press Releases

LCV Statement on Secretary Jewell’s Remarks During Pope Francis’ Visit to Independence Hall

Sep 26, 2015

Washington, DC – Today, in response to Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell’s remarks during Pope Francis’ visit to Independence Hall in Philadelphia, LCV Land Conservation Fellow Andy French issued the following statement:

“We couldn’t agree with Pope Francis and Secretary Jewell more – we have a moral obligation to preserve our shared planet for generations to come. Their backdrop today, the historic Independence Hall, is the perfect setting to emphasize the importance of preserving our cultural heritage through our parks system. As America’s most successful parks program–the Land and Water Conservation Fund–is set to expire on September 30, we urge Republican leadership to act swiftly to continue investing in these special places for future generations.  Forty-three percent of our National Parks remain at risk of development and we can’t afford to lose this critical parks program.”
