WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Senate voted to permanently block the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers’ Clean Water Rule with S.J. Res. 22, a Congressional Review Act “Resolution of Disapproval.” In response, LCV President Gene Karpinski issued the following statement:
“Not content with the failure of Senator Barrasso’s Dirty Water bill yesterday, Republican Senate leadership decided to continue their assault on clean water by resorting to an obscure and extreme tactic to permanently block pollution protections for waterways. Time and again people across the country and political spectrum have voiced their support for the Clean Water Rule, but some Senators refuse to listen. Instead, they continue to do the bidding of big polluters, placing their profits ahead of the clean water our families, communities, and businesses depend on. Fortunately, President Obama has made clear he would veto this radical attack and remains committed to protecting our water, air, lands, wildlife and climate for generations to come.”