Washington, D.C. — In response to the Trump administration’s reckless decision to open the Arctic Refuge for an oil and gas lease sale, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the following statement from Conservation Program Director Alex Taurel:
“Drilling in the pristine Arctic Refuge would violate indigenous rights, exacerbate climate change, and shortchange taxpayers. We stand in solidarity with the Gwich’in Nation in the fight to protect an area they call ‘the Sacred Place Where Life Begins.’ The Arctic Refuge is ground zero for climate change and selling it out to big polluters is unconscionable. With all of the major U.S. banks having committed to not finance Arctic drilling, it is clear that any company seeking to develop a lease will run serious financial, reputational, and regulatory risks. We are counting on President-elect Biden and Congress to do everything in their power to protect this majestic place. We will not stop fighting until this sacred land is permanently protected.”