Press Releases

LCV Statement on the Energy and Commerce Flint Hearing

Apr 12, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In reaction to today’s Senate Environment and Public Works Superfund, Waste Management, and Regulatory Oversight Subcommittee hearing and in anticipation of Wednesday’s joint hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees on Environment and the Economy and on Health on the ongoing lead-poisoning health crisis in Flint Michigan, LCV Legislative Representative Madeleine Foote issued the following statement:

“It is shameful that these Republican Senators spent today attacking the Clean Water Rule, which protects the drinking water of one in three Americans, yet have still failed to move any aid to help the people impacted by the Flint water crisis. And then tomorrow House Republicans will build on their irresponsible actions and ask why the EPA isn’t doing more to protect clean water. The impacts of lead poisoning forever alter a child’s future, yet too many communities across the country are suffering from the dangers posed by lead and other contaminants that are polluting our nation’s drinking water. It’s time for Congress to take action so no parent has to worry that the water coming from the tap is poisoning their family.”
