Washington D.C. — The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) issued the following statement to the U.S. House of Representatives urging the passage of the For the People Act (H.R. 1) early in the 117th Congress from Judiciary Program Director Ben Driscoll:
“We applaud House leadership for renewing its commitment to making democracy reform a top priority. The 2020 election and its aftermath has demonstrated the urgency of protecting the right to vote, and the For the People Act is the first step we need to help ensure elected officials are held accountable to the people.
“It’s clear that a healthy democracy and a healthy environment are inextricably linked, and the communities frequently targeted by voter suppression — people of color, young people, those who have a disability, and indigenous people — face the burden of environmental harms that threaten our air, water, and climate. Additionally, fixing our broken campaign finance system and enacting sweeping ethics reforms are necessary first steps to blocking the outsized role of corporate influence in our political system that has prevented meaningful action on climate change.”
LCV sent a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday from President Gene Karpinski urging for the prioritization and passage of H.R. 1. Read the full letter here.