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LCV Statement on Senator Barrasso Becoming the Next Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee

Nov 15, 2016

Contact: Hannah Blatt, (202) 454-4554 or

WASHINGTON D.C. – In response to Senator John Barrasso becoming the next Chair of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, League of Conservation Voters’ Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tiernan Sittenfeld issued the following statement:

“It’s outrageous that once again a climate denier will lead a committee that could not be more critical to combating this global crisis and protecting our environment. Like current Chairman Jim Inhofe, Senator John Barrasso has consistently sought to prevent action to address climate change, has led the charge to block protection for drinking water for 1 in 3 Americans, and has said the role that human activity plays in climate change ‘is not known.’ With an abysmal 9 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard—which dropped to 0 percent in 2015—it is clear that Senator Barrasso will continue to put big polluter profits over the health and safety of our families and planet, but we will be there to fight him at every step.”
