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Press Releases

LCV Statement on Trump Administration’s New Executive Orders to Suspend U.S. Refugee Program and Issue Updated Refugee Ban

Mar 6, 2017

Betsy Lopez-Wagner, 202-454-4570,

Washington, DC—In response to executive orders today from President Trump to block new travelers from half a dozen majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States for 90 days, while also suspending the nation’s refugee program for 120 days, League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski issued the following statement:

“These unjust bans are nothing less than an attack on the values we hold as a nation. These profoundly outrageous and cynical actions do nothing to address the real challenges facing our country. Our government’s job is to protect people, not turn its back on them.

If this administration was as concerned about our nation’s true national security issues, it would be tackling climate change head-on instead of denying its existence, proposing budget cuts that will jeopardize the health of our communities, and it would be safeguarding refugees and immigrants from the worst impacts of a warming planet and ongoing turbulence in their homelands.

LCV will continue to fight for a safe and secure planet for all– regardless of race, nation of origin, creed or sexual orientation.”


En Español: Comunicado de LCV sobre Nuevas Ordenes Ejecutivas, aqui.
