Denver, CO — LCV Victory Fund today released a new digital ad opposing Colorado Senator Cory Gardner’s re-election campaign because of Gardner’s history of voting against the environment and putting Coloradans’ health at risk. Gardner was named to LCV Victory Fund’s 2020 Dirty Dozen list of some of the worst environmental candidates earlier this year.
WATCH: “Two Corys”
The ad points out that every time Cory Gardner is up for election, he comes back to Colorado and tries to re-brand himself as an environmentalist. Despite his greenwashing, the real Cory Gardner votes with Donald Trump 90% of the time, voted eight times to let power plants spew dangerous pollution into Colorado’s air, voted seven times for government subsidies that benefit corporate polluters, and refused to support the CORE Act which would have protected Colorado’s wilderness.
“The real Cory Gardner has an 11% lifetime LCV score. No matter what Gardner says and does to earn last minute votes, his dangerous anti-environmental record shows he will ultimately side with corporate polluters over our families’ well-being,” said Pete Maysmith, Senior Vice President of Campaigns, LCV Victory Fund. “Cory Gardner is putting the health and safety of Colorado communities, especially communities of color, at extreme risk.”
“Cory Gardner is all hat and no cattle,” said Kelly Nordini, Executive Director, Conservation Colorado. “Given that Gardner is consistently out of step with the values of Colorado voters, it makes sense that he and his special interest allies in DC are trying so hard to distract from his disastrous record.”
In addition to his long anti-environment voting record, Gardner has taken $1.7 million in contributions from corporate polluters.
The script of the new ad is below.
“Two Corys”
There are two Cory Gardners
There’s Cory in Washington
Who votes against the environment and puts our health at risk
And there’s Cory in Colorado
Who tries to fool us into believing he supports the environment
Who’s the real Cory?
Just look at his record
90 percent of the time Gardner voted with Donald Trump
8 times Gardner voted to let power plants spew dangerous pollutants into our air
7 times Gardner voted for government subsidies that benefit corporate polluters
Countless times Gardner claimed to support public lands
But when he had the chance
He refused to support the CORE Act
Which would have protected Colorado’s wilderness
Don’t be fooled by Cory Gardner on the campaign trail
Remember his campaign ad in 2014?
After that he went to Washington and voted against funding for clean energy
The real Cory Gardner stands with Big Oil and Donald Trump in Washington
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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.