Climate change continued to be a top priority for campaigns and voters this week as multiple candidates provided more details on how they would tackle the climate crisis. Plus, a new CNN poll ranked climate as the most important issue with 96 percent of respondents said it was “at least very important a presidential candidate supports ‘taking aggressive action to slow the effects of climate change.’”
Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) released his 100 percent Clean Energy For America Plan, the first components of “a 10-year mobilization to defeat climate change and create millions of jobs building a just, innovative and inclusive clean energy future.” Inslee’s plan “commits to a 100% clean electricity standard by 2030, zero-carbon pollution from new buildings and zero-emissions standards for new vehicles and buses.”
We’ve got another new, extremely ambitious, non-Green New Deal climate plan out today — this time from climate-focused 2020 candidate @JayInslee
— Emily Atkin (@emorwee) May 3, 2019
Former Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) announced an ambitious four-part plan to tackle climate change. O’Rourke’s plan “commits to prioritizing both executive and legislative action to immediately cut pollution, achieve net zero emissions by 2050, invest at an unprecedented scale in communities bearing the brunt of harmful pollution and those in economic transition, create good, family-sustaining jobs and more.”
Beto O’Rourke’s climate plan includes:
1. Executive action
2. Mobilizing $5 trillion over 10 years to invest in a clean energy transition
3. Guaranteeing net-zero emissions by 2050
4. Preparing vulnerable communities for the impacts of climate change— Vox (@voxdotcom) April 30, 2019
Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) entered the race this week, making the announcement on CBS This Morning. CNN reported that he “plans to run a campaign centered around… modernizing the country by combatting climate change and investing in infrastructure” among other issues, and the New York Times listed climate change as one of his top issues.
“If we keep going down this road, we’re going to be the first generation of Americans to leave less opportunity, not more.” — @SenatorBennet
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) May 2, 2019
In South Carolina, Senator Cory Booker called “environmental inequality one of today’s civil rights battles” and noted that the “federal government hasn’t done enough to ensure all Americans have equal access to clean, healthy communities.” Booker unveiled elements of his environmental justice plan, which would significantly strengthen the EPA and hold polluters accountable in order to protect communities most impacted by pollution. Booker noted, “The Trump administration has gutted the EPA, rolled back clean air and clean water protections, and allowed polluters to go unchecked, causing immense harm and suffering by vulnerable communities.”
Sen. @corybooker‘s focus on environmental justice for his campaign include plans to make companies pay for the pollution they cause and giving EPA staff a boost.
— (@theGrio) April 26, 2019
Former Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) rolled out his “New Open and Fair Trade Policy” which includes climate and environmental standards. The policy notes, “Hickenlooper believes open and fair trade cannot come at the expense of America’s or the planet’s environment. Hickenlooper will particularly incorporate climate change goals into our trade agreements. The success of the planet’s efforts to combat climate change ultimately depend on international cooperation; we cannot do it alone.”
2020 presidential candidate & former Colorado Gov. @Hickenlooper releases his plan: a ‘New Open Fair Trade Plan.’ Includes room for ‘Individual Security Accounts’ or ISAs to help workers train for new job skills. @CBSNews
— Stephanie Ramirez (@RamirezReports) April 30, 2019
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) announced a clean elections public financing plan, which she said would help address climate change and other issues. “To get anything done in Washington, we have to address the money and greed that corrupts politicians and prevents progress on issues like gun violence prevention, lowering the cost of prescription drugs and addressing climate change,” Gillibrand said.
By eliminating a current taxpayer subsidy for excessive CEO compensation—25 times the median salary of their employees, or more than $1 million—we’d fully fund my Clean Elections Plan and then some. That’s leveling the playing field in more ways than one.
— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) May 2, 2019
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH) spoke about his plans to tackle climate change by focusing on the jobs and economic opportunities stemming from clean energy and electric vehicles on Pod Save America.
Democratic presidential candidate @TimRyan discusses how we address climate change with midwestern voters.
Full interview:
— Pod Save America (@PodSaveAmerica) April 30, 2019
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) called for efforts to prepare infrastructure for the impacts of climate change in a tweet.
The flooding in Davenport is devastating. We must provide Iowans with the help they need to quickly recover. And we must invest immediately in strengthening our infrastructure to prepare for disasters like this that climate change will make even worse.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) May 1, 2019
In Iowa, Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) advocated for shifting the language to “climate chaos,” and “said the first thing he would do (as president) is to host in the United States a new “Climate Accord,” and invite every country to participate.”
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tweeted support for Iowans dealing with floods and called for “big, structural change” to address climate change.
.@ewarren Accuses the Koch brothers and others invested in big oil and other fossil fuels choosing to invest in bought and paid for politicians rather than using their money to innovate and modify their countries for a world fighting climate change.
— Nick Weig (@tbweig) April 26, 2019
Andrew Yang noted that climate change is an existential threat in Iowa but said he would prioritize his plan to help people struggling financially.
Presented without comment: In Iowa, a pack of penguins question @AndrewYang on climate change.
— Brianne Pfannenstiel (@brianneDMR) April 29, 2019
At an event in Pennsylvania, former Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE) spoke about investing in the clean energy economy, saying “It means rebuilding America clean — renewable energy, cleaner safer faster transportation, which will not only make us safer, will make our communities [safer] for our children, but will provide millions of good paying, middle-class jobs.”
We must turbocharge our efforts to address climate change that threatens communities across the country. Through clean, renewable energy and cleaner, safer, faster transportation, America will not only help the environment but provide millions of good-paying middle-class jobs.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 29, 2019
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN) appeared on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, where he focused on local impacts and the importance of communicating how policies to address it will make our everyday lives betters noting “This is a safety issue for you and me… in our homes and neighborhoods.”
Former Secretary Julián Castro (D-TX) hosted at round table discussion on climate and conservation priorities in Nevada with the Nevada Conservation League, Chispa Nevada, and other local leaders and spoke about climate action at a forum on wages and working people hosted by SEIU and CAP Action in Las Vegas. Castro also campaign on his commitment to rejoin the Paris agreement and invest in clean energy in New Hampshire.
On my 7th trip through Nevada and we’ve talked conservation, climate and housing, toured homeless camps in the tunnels of Las Vegas, attended some great house parties, and now we’re kicking off the @SEIU / @CAPAction #WorkersForum. #NV
— Julián Castro (@JulianCastro) April 27, 2019
In Iowa, former Congressman John Delaney (D-MD) campaigned on his Climate Corps plan enlisting young people to work on service projects addressing climate change well as his carbon fee proposal. Delaney advocated for innovation in decarbonization to address climate change on MSNBC.
This morning, 2020 presidential candidate and former Rep. @JohnDelaney joined @MSNBC Live with @SRuhle to discuss what he’s learned after nearly two years of campaigning. Watch:
— MSNBC Public Relations (@MSNBCPR) April 29, 2019
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) tweeted about protecting our public lands and standing up to Big Polluters.
America’s public lands are a national treasure, not something for Big Oil to raid and pollute for profit. We need a president who’s focused on building a clean energy economy for the future.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) April 27, 2019