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Chispa February 2020 Newsletter

Mar 10, 2020

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Chispa’s monthly newsletter! Our organizers across the country have been busy and I’m excited to share some updates with you. 

February got off to a great start as across the country, communities of color worked to keep presidential candidates, utilities, polluters, and elected officials accountable to climate action and a #CleanRide4Kids. We’re excited to keep up the pressure to ensure our families have a sustainable, healthy planet for generations to come. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to: 

Chispa Nevada hosted a bilingual Democratic presidential debate watch party before the #NevadaCaucus. A poll by the League of Conservation Voters found that for Latinx Nevada voters, climate change ranked as the top issue of the 2020 presidential primary. Chispa Nevada organizers and volunteers made sure that candidates and their campaigns understood our concerns about climate justice and addressed them during the Nevada debate. 

READ MORE: Why Latinx Voters Make Nevada the First Climate Primary


Chispa Arizona is continuing to host Se Fue La Luz, a series of educational workshops breaking down utility bills and explaining clean energy opportunities for Latinx families. In partnership with Wildfire and Vote Solar, these bilingual workshops help put power back in the hands of Arizona consumers. Studies have repeatedly shown that communities of color are disproportionately paying higher electric bills. It’s time to make the system work for us. 

READ MORE: Workshops Bring Low-Income Arizona Communities, Latinos Into Sustainable Energy Conversation


Chispa Maryland heads to the state capitol for #LobbyDay. With Maryland’s legislative session underway, Chispa Maryland has been busy advocating for policies that would protect our environment and fund a quicker transition to a more equitable, cleaner public transit. Maryland LCV Deputy Director Ramon Palencia-Calvo and community members testified in front of various committees in support of banning plastic bags and investing in electric school buses starting in 2022. 

READ MORE: Maryland bill would usher in zero-emission transit buses


Protegete participated in #LatinoAdvocacyDay at the Colorado State Capitol. Two hundred and forty volunteers joined Protegete and other Latinx community groups in advocating for environmental, economic, and immigration justice at the 14th annual Latino Advocacy Day in Denver. Protegete’s Communities and Justice advocates led two sessions of the Environmental Justice Training with about 40people in attendance. 

SEE MORE: Pictures from the 14th annual Latino/a Advocacy Day


Thank You! ¡Gracias!