There can be no environmental justice without racial and social justice. The Chispa family stands united in making this clear: Black lives matter.
As a program working with communities of color and dedicated to building the power of Latinx families in the fight for environmental justice, we cannot stay silent while systemic racism devalues the lives, livelihoods and freedoms of Black people.
When we fight for our families’ rights to breathe clean air, we must also fight for their basic right to breathe — breathe free of a culture of white supremacy and systemic racism that has killed not only George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade, but thousands of Black people across the country.
Through centuries of systemic racism — from being redlined out of neighborhoods to being forced to drink contaminated water and breathe dirtier air, to bearing the brunt of police brutality, COVID-19 and climate change — Black communities have suffered disproportionately.
Our movement cannot wait any longer to act. We must work together now to eradicate white supremacy, confront anti-Blackness in our communities, and hold oppressors accountable as we do with polluters.
Chispa supports the nationwide protests over police brutality, and we call on communities of color across the country to join our Black brothers and sisters in demanding justice and equity.
Black lives are worth fighting for.
But we cannot stop here. We pledge to:
- Acknowledge the racist history of the environmental movement and work to create a Conservation Voters Movement that reflects the priorities of communities of color and centers the long-time environmental leadership of Black, Indigenous and people of color
- Stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter advocates as they protest the murder of Black people at the hands of police and within our criminal justice system
- Devote resources to identifying and rooting out anti-Blackness within our movement and within our communities
- Commit to fighting for intersectional environmental justice, which includes acknowledging the racial, economic and social inequities that compound environmental injustices for people of color, particularly Black, Brown and Indigenous communities
Here are ways you can take action:
- Donate to your local bail-out fund to ensure protesters defending the value of Black lives are released promptly
- Educate yourself on how white supremacy has built systems that oppress and discriminate against Black people
- Listen to your Black friends, family and colleagues as they share their experiences and reflect on how you can use your privilege to lift up their voices
- Start conversations with your Latinx families on anti-Blackness and colorism
- Join peaceful marches and vigils happening in your community, respecting the leadership of Black organizers and leaders
- Demand justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and Tony McDade and accountability from police departments and district attorneys in prosecuting their killers
- Share your time, talent or resources with organizations on the frontlines
- Speak up — don’t stay quiet during these pivotal moments
- Know your rights — Demonstrations in DC –ACLU
- Sign up — take action with these organizations: