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Carol Browner, Gene Karpinski Respond to Trump’s Paris Announcement

Jun 1, 2017

David Willett, 202-454-4598,

Washington, DC: In response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the historic Paris Climate Agreement, the League of Conservation Voters issued the following statements from former EPA Administrator and LCV Board Chair Carol M. Browner, and LCV President Gene Karpinski:

“President Trump has turned his back on America’s thriving clean energy industry and our health with this shortsighted decision. He must not realize that this is more about Paris, TX than Paris, France. The impacts of this politically-motivated decision will be felt in every American community, across the American economy and by every American child. Failure to act on climate change threatens our health, our security and our economy. This decision cedes American leadership and innovation to China, India and other countries who will take advantage of American workers by reaping the benefits of the clean energy economy while the United States stands idle.” – Carol M. Browner, Former EPA Administrator, Director of White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy and LCV Board Chair

“This is one of the worst decisions ever made by any president ever. Period.” – Gene Karpinski, President of League of Conservation Voters

