Washington, D.C. — In anticipation of today’s passage of the Ocean Based Climate Solutions Act (HR 3764) through the House Natural Resources Committee, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the following statement from Conservation Program Director Alex Taurel:
“The climate crisis requires bold and powerful solutions and LCV applauds Chairman Grijalva for championing opportunities to harness the power of the ocean as part of the solution. This bill provides a blueprint to reduce carbon pollution by investing in blue carbon ecosystems that naturally sequester carbon, prohibiting the expansion of offshore drilling and increasing clean energy development. It creates programs that will help protect and restore vital ocean systems and habitats, ramp up climate-smart practices and vessels in the fishing industry, and build more resilient coasts, all while prioritizing regional cooperation and environmental justice for Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color. We are thrilled to see this bill pass through committee today and look forward to this legislation moving forward.”