Washington D.C. – Today, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released the following statement from Conservation Program Director Alex Taurel in response to today’s hearing on the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act (H.R. 8632) and other ocean climate action legislation:
“Contrary to conventional wisdom, our ocean isn’t merely a victim of the impacts of climate change. In fact, the ocean is the source of powerful solutions to fight and adapt to climate change. Ideas like stopping offshore drilling, scaling up offshore wind power, protecting blue carbon ecosystems that sequester carbon, and protecting 30% of America’s ocean by 2030 must be part of a comprehensive climate action agenda. Thank you to Chairman Grijalva and others who helped shape this visionary bill that prioritizes environmental justice for Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color. We hope policymakers in Washington will seize the opportunity in the months ahead to advance this bill and the robust climate solutions it offers.”