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LCV Statement on President Obama’s Action Providing Permanent Protections for the Arctic Ocean and Portions of the Atlantic Ocean from Offshore Drilling

Dec 20, 2016

Contact: Hannah Blatt, (202) 454-4554 or

Washington DC—In response to reports that President Obama has provided permanent protections for the Arctic Ocean and portions of the Atlantic Ocean from the risks of offshore drilling, LCV President Gene Karpinski issued this statement:

“What an incredible holiday gift to all who want to protect the fragile and iconic Arctic Ocean ecosystem and fight climate change. An oil spill in these pristine waters would be devastating to the wildlife and people who live in the region. The Arctic Ocean is ground zero for the impacts of climate change, and any oil production there would be decades away and inconsistent with addressing climate change before it is too late. As the first sitting U.S. President to travel above the Arctic Circle, President Obama understands this reality and showed true statesmanship in working with Canada to provide the magnificent Arctic Ocean with lasting protections it so richly deserves. We are also excited to see additional protections put in place for particularly sensitive areas in the Atlantic Ocean, which is great news for the countless residents, tourism and fishing businesses, and elected leaders up and down the coast who have been speaking out against the risks of offshore drilling. It’s imperative that we not let up on America’s transition away from oil and other dirty fuels and toward cleaner sources of energy so our kids inherit a stable world. This announcement points toward that brighter, more hopeful future.”
