MEMO: Nevadans share why they want climate action NOW
Oct 6, 2021
Dominic DiFiglia,
To: Interested Parties From: Jennessa Agnew, National Field Director, LCV Date: October 14, 2021 Re: Nevadans share why they want climate action NOW
We are in the midst of one of the biggest pushes for climate action in our nation’s history as members of Congress work to finalize the Build Back Better Act. President Biden, House Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Schumer have made it clear that the bipartisan infrastructure framework must move in tandem with the Build Back Better Act with a new deadline of October 31st. From the ‘code red’ IPCC report, scorching heat waves, drought and wildfires, Nevadans have had enough, with nearly two-thirds of voters in Nevada supportive of strong climate action in Congress. Since launching in late June, LCV’s field program has been on the ground in Nevada and across the country, knocking on over 260,000 doors, and nearly 13,000 households and 9,000 businesses are displaying “Climate Action Now” signs in their neighborhoods.
In Nevada, voters from Henderson to Las Vegas have shared their concerns about extreme weather, climate injustice, and the overall health of the planet and they are stepping up by calling their representatives and demanding they take climate action now.
Henderson, NV: To George, climate action means clean water. George wants to see more investments in clean energy and the conservation of natural areas because he is concerned about the looming state of emergency in Nevada due to the drought, saying, “we must move now if we want to save Lake Mead and Hoover Dam.”
Las Vegas, NV: The cost of Tanganyka’s electric bill has gone up dramatically and she is excited about the opportunity for investments in climate action and clean energy to both conserve energy for her community and lower utility costs.
Tanganyka from Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas, NV: Margaret supports environmental justice and worries that the natural disasters will hurt poorer communities so much harder in the long run. The wildfires and the hurricanes are getting out of control and she is so concerned for how these communities will be able to rebuild.
North Las Vegas, NV: Jasmin, a Nevada voter, is very concerned about air pollution and saving money on gas. She’s interested in purchasing an electric car and is wholeheartedly behind preserving our planet’s resources. She is pleased to see Congress moving forward with climate legislation and plans to show her support by signing a thank you card to her elected officials.
Henderson, NV: Alfredo is interested in the potential for clean energy jobs in industrial factories and what it would mean for the average wage in Nevada. He hopes that Congress will act to make investments in this sector and help create thousands of good paying jobs right here in Nevada.
Henderson, NV: Anne’s plants are visibly dying due to extreme heat and her watering system seems to be in a state of disrepair. She wants to see Congress take action on climate to help protect not only her plants, but the environment overall.