MEMO: New Jerseyans share why they want climate action NOW
Oct 8, 2021
Dominic DiFiglia,
To: Interested Parties From: Jennessa Agnew, National Field Director, LCV Date: October 15, 2021 Re: New Jerseyans share why they want climate action NOW
We are in the midst of one of the biggest pushes for climate action in our nation’s history as members of Congress work to finalize the Build Back Better Act. President Biden, House Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Schumer have made it clear that the bipartisan infrastructure framework must move in tandem with the Build Back Better Act with a new deadline of October 31st. From the ‘code red’ IPCC report, to devastating climate change-fueled hurricanes and tropical storms, scorching heat waves, drought, wildfires, and other extreme weather events that have impacted nearly 1 in 3 people in America just this summer, voters have had enough and it has never been more urgent for Congress to act on climate. Since launching in late June, LCV’s field program has been on the ground in New Jersey and across the country, knocking on over 260,000 doors, and nearly 13,000 households and 9,000 businesses are displaying “Climate Action Now” signs in their neighborhoods.
In New Jersey, voters from Flemington to Moorestown to Wykoff have shared their concerns about extreme weather, climate injustice, and the overall health of the planet and they are stepping up by calling their representatives and demanding they take climate action now.
Moorestown, NJ: William supports investing in clean energy jobs because he knows many people who lost their jobs during the pandemic, especially in New Jersey. He knows that we have an opportunity to create millions of good-paying clean energy jobs with the Build Back Better Act, and he’s calling on Congress to make it happen.
Wyckoff, NJ: Dan has been paying close attention to both the infrastructure and budget reconciliation packages moving through Congress and is excited about the opportunity to greatly improve transit in New Jersey. He even called his representative to make sure his voice was heard.
Flemington, NJ: Adrienne is doing her part to get involved in the fight for climate action and is excited to see how many members in their community have chosen to get involved.
Adrienne from Flemington, NJ
Somerville, NJ: Just days after the remnants of Hurricane Ida brought deadly flooding to New Jersey, Zaheer, speaking about the damage to his neighborhood and state said, “if anyone needed proof for climate change, the proof is right here.”
Willingboro, NJ: Asia, an avid supporter of environmental justice and clean energy, is mainly concerned with lead pipes that carry drinking water, especially in the Camden area, and how long it takes for these critical issues to be addressed.
Flemington, NJ: Kristen, who is part of the “No Famers, No Food” campaign, knows that climate change has had a large impact on farmers and it is important that action is taken to solve these issues.