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Sen. Padilla and Rep. Kim Join LCV to Discuss Biden-Harris Administration First 100 Days and Joint Address to Congress

Apr 29, 2021

Courtnee Connon, 727-744-4163,

Washington, D.C. — Today, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) was joined by U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and U.S. Representative Andy Kim (D-N.J.) for a discussion following President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress. Earlier this week, LCV  released 100 Days in Office: A Foundation for Transformational Change — a new report assessing the Biden-Harris administration’s progress on climate and environmental justice, and the work begun to strengthen our democracy, in their first 100 days. 

WATCH: 100 Days Report Press Conference

READ: 100 Days in Office: A Foundation for Transformational Change

“President Biden and Vice President Harris have just completed the strongest first 100 days for climate and environmental justice we’ve ever seen from any presidential administration, and we know they are just getting started,” said LCV Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tiernan Sittenfeld. “The Biden administration has set the stage for the transformational change we need to establish the U.S. as a world leader fighting climate change, confronting racial injustice, and strengthening our democracy. We are all in  to continue working alongside this administration and Congress as we transition to a 100% clean energy economy, center environmental justice, and maintain and create good-paying union jobs here in the U.S.”

“The Biden/Harris administration has made a tremendous impact on climate, environmental justice, and democracy in their first 100 days,” said Senator Alex Padilla. “Looking ahead, Congress must ensure we invest in our infrastructure equitably and in a way that addresses climate change and creates good-paying jobs — especially for those who have historically been left out of economic opportunity. That’s why I’ve introduced legislation to help transition our school bus fleet to zero-emission vehicles. This is an essential aspect of building equitable, sustainable infrastructure. I’m proud to work with my fellow members of Congress to not just protect the environment, but also the health of our families.”

“A lesson we must learn from the last year is the need to be prepared,” said Representative Andy Kim. “Whether it’s preparing for future pandemics or to tackle the challenges of the climate crisis, we need bold leadership and action to keep America resilient and strong. The actions taken by President Biden and Vice President Harris have helped put us on that path to a resilient future. Congress must now come together to pass common-sense efforts that will keep our communities safer and stronger, no matter the challenges ahead.”

The Biden-Harris administration has begun to deliver on almost every single one of the initial policy priorities LCV laid out ahead of Inauguration Day. The administration and Congress can build on this early progress and strong foundation by enacting the American Jobs Plan into law and pursuing democracy reforms that make our country more inclusive and responsive to the people. Read LCV’s report for highlights of the first 100 days including personnel, day one executive actions, democracy reform, the new NDC, and the American Jobs Plan. 

The American Jobs Plan continues to gain strong support from a majority of voters — Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike — new polling shows overwhelming and growing support for the American Jobs Plan and the inclusion of climate action in the proposal. And last week more than 1,200 state and local elected officials from all 50 states and Washington, D.C. released a letter calling on Congress to pass President Biden’s American Jobs Plan.

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