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The 57 million acres of D-1 Lands in Alaska encompass some of the largest intact landscapes left in the country, including essential habitat corridors, watersheds, river systems, and immense biodiversity. This action is another important step to cementing President Biden’s climate and conservation legacy.
Every Monday, we round up five of the best good climate news stories we're celebrating. This week we cover the Biden-Harris administration's plans to cut carbon and methane emissions, a new offshore wind development, the nation's first utility-scale agrovoltaic facility, and the Amazon Protection Program.
There's a lot of good news on climate, but it can be harder to find than all of the bad news. Every Monday, we round up five of the best good climate news stories we're celebrating. This week we cover Biden's new American Climate Corps, the EPA's announcement of $4.6 billion in clean energy grant funding, and more.