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Press Releases

LCV Statement on Anti-Environmental Executive Orders

Mar 27, 2017

David Willett, 202-454-4598,

Washington, DC –  Based on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s recent comments and media reports on President Trump’s anticipated new executive orders aimed at dismantling our country’s critical protections against air and water pollution and the harmful impacts of climate change, the League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski issued the following statement:

“On the heels of the three hottest years on record, Donald Trump is reversing the biggest steps our country has taken to fighting climate change. Rolling back these public health protections shows Trump cares more about big polluters than the well-being of our communities. There is no excuse for unsafe drinking water, dirty air, more asthma attacks in kids, and increased extreme weather events that destroy homes and livelihoods. Donald Trump may care more about corporate interests, but the people of this country care about a safe, clean and healthy environment and they will not let him get away with destroying it.”

This is why LCV is sponsoring the fight for climate, justice and a clean energy economy on April 29 at the Peoples Climate March in Washington, DC. For March details, visit the event page here. LCV joined the Peoples Climate Movement as an official sponsor in November 2016.
