Your weekly resource to learn what the environmental movement is saying about the news of the day and the political fight of our generation. Be sure to follow LCV on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
“Mr. Ng and I are easy targets for the toxic far right because of our Chinese descent. This newfangled McCarthyism combines ‘red scare’ tactics, racism and xenophobia. The allegations — which won’t stop with Ng and me — are downright dangerous.”
–Representative Judy Chu (CA-28) in a recent op-ed, “I am a target of the right’s new McCarthyism.”
“Politicians then kicked a hornets nest and incited a movement across the state.”
— Scott DiMauro, Ohio Education Association President, speaking on the rising movement against the extremist politicians that are working to erode voting rights for Ohioans. Ohio Republicans are calling for an August election on a ballot measure that would raise the passage threshold for constitutional amendments from a simple majority to an impossibly high 60%.
“It’s cruel, it’s unworkable, and extreme. What happened to family values that our country has prided itself on? What happened to the American dream?”
–Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Nanette Barragán speaking out about H.R. 2 at a Congressional Hispanic Caucus news conference on border security legislation.
BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION’S AFFORDABLE CLEAN ENERGY PLAN TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR LOW-INCOME HOUSES TO RECEIVE CLIMATE UPGRADES: Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s affordable clean energy plan, nearly $1 billion will become available for low-income multifamily housing to become more energy-efficient, water-efficient and resilient to climate disasters. Individual households will receive thousands of dollars to switch from fossil-fuel-powered appliances to cleaner versions, like $2,000 for a new electric heat pump. This funding will help ensure that low income houses have the resources they need to be part of our country’s just and equitable clean energy transition. Read more here.
ASIAN AMERICAN PACIFIC ISLANDER MONTH READING: Hawaii environmental advocates in coordination with the Pacific Remote Islands coalition are looking to designate the Pacific Remote Islands (PRI) as a national marine sanctuary. This would protect approximately 777,000 square miles of tropical marine ecosystems around the Howland and Baker Islands, Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll. These ecosystems include many endangered and threatened corals, fish, marine mammals, seabirds and invertebrates. Read Honolulu Star Advertiser’s article on the work the Conservation Council for Hawaii and other environmental advocates are doing to protect vital marine wildlife here.
LCV RUNS DISTRICT SPECIFIC ADS HIGHLIGHTING DANGERS OF DEBT DEFAULT VOTE: LCV and Climate Power launched ads earlier this month, highlighting the job-creating clean energy projects that could be at risk if the MAGA House Republican ‘Default on America Act’ becomes law. Read more about the ad campaign here and watch the ads here.
EPA PROPOSES RULES TO LIMIT CARBON POLLUTION FROM FOSSIL-FUELED POWER PLANTS: On Thursday, the EPA proposed carbon pollution standards for fossil fuel fired power plants. These standards will reduce pollutants in the air and deliver valuable climate and health benefits.
OUR TAKE: Vice President of Federal Policy Matthew Davis said, “Kudos to President Biden and Administrator Regan for this important step. Limiting pollution from power plants is long-overdue, widely supported and will lead to cleaner air, healthier communities and a livable climate. No administration has done more to combat the climate crisis and finally kick this country’s clean energy economy – centered on good-paying family-sustaining jobs – into high gear. The power sector is one of our nation’s largest sources of climate pollution yet is virtually unchecked, and the EPA has an obligation under the Clean Air Act to set and effectively enforce limits.
As this important proposal moves forward, we are urging the EPA to finalize the strongest possible rules by early next year, ensure that they are in line with the urgency necessary to meet the challenge of the climate crisis, and are shaped by input from the communities that will be most affected. It is critical that the EPA center community engagement and take into account the community impacts of the use of hydrogen or methane gas co-firing or carbon capture.
LCV and our state partners will continue to advance solutions at all levels of government that hasten our transition to cleaner and more affordable solutions and will fight against technologies being exploited by fossil fuel interests to support actions inconsistent with our climate and public health goals.”
LCV’S MATTHEW DAVIS TESTIFIED BEFORE THE EPA ON MERCURY AND AIR TOXIC STANDARDS: This week, LCV Vice President of Federal Policy and former EPA health scientist Matthew Davis testified in front of the EPA in favor of strengthening the mercury and air toxics standards for power plants. Read Matthew’s full testimony here.
COALITION OF IMMIGRATION, CIVIL RIGHTS, PUBLIC HEALTH, LABOR, AND CLIMATE JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS OPPOSE THE SECURE THE BORDER ACT: H.R. 2, or the “Secure the Border Act” of 2023, is an anti-immigrant bill that would dismantle the asylum system and cause immeasurable harm to immigrant communities in a variety of other ways. LCV joined a broad coalition of partners to urge Congress to vote NO on H.R. 2. Read the joint letter here.
LCV’S DARIEN DAVIS TESTIFIES THAT EPA MUST ISSUE STRONGER STANDARDS AND LIMITS ON VEHICLE POLLUTION: On Thursday, LCV Government Affairs Advocate for Climate & Clean Energy Darien Davis testified in front of the EPA, urging them to finalize the strongest limits on light and medium duty vehicle pollution. In her testimony, she called for 100% pollution free cars and small trucks by 2035 and emphasized the importance of this action in combating climate change. Read her full testimony here.
Earlier this month, Davis also testified in front of the EPA for greenhouse gas emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles. In this testimony, Davis underscored how harmful long-haul trucks and diesel vehicles are to clean air, both for the environment and public-health of communities. She called upon the Biden-Harris Administration to pass stronger regulations limiting greenhouse gas emissions and emphasized the number of jobs that investing in clean energy vehicles would make. Read her full testimony on Heavy-Duty Vehicles here.
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS CONCERNED ABOUT LIQUEFIED FOSSIL GAS EXPANSION: This week, 44 members of Congress sent a letter to the Biden-Harris administration expressing their concern about the United States’ continued expansion of liquefied fossil gas (LNG) infrastructure and capacity. Read the full letter here.
OHIO GENERAL ASSEMBLY PASSES SJR2, UNDERMINING PUBLIC WILL FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS TO PASS ON BALLOT: Ohio’s general assembly are rewriting the rules for democracy on Wednesday by passing Senate Joint Resolution 2, putting a measure on Ohio voters’ ballot in a special August election that, if passed, will require a 60% vote to approve any constitutional amendment as opposed to the current 50% threshold. The Ohio Environmental Council continues to oppose the measure and has endorsed the “Protect One Person One Vote” coalition’s campaign to protect direct democracy.
OEC’S TAKE: Managing Director of Democracy Policy for Ohio Environmental Council’s Action Fund Chris Tavenor said, “Ohioans will not be deceived by the shameless tactics employed by the Ohio General Assembly to undermine the will of the people. SJR 2 exists because some politicians believe they know better than the people of Ohio. But for over a century, Ohioans have utilized the ballot initiative process to check the power of the legislature. Ohioans will not be deceived — they will vote no in August, protecting their right to direct democracy.”
DECLARATION FOR AMERICAN DEMOCRACY COALITION CONVENES PANEL ON CLIMATE JUSTICE AND VOTING RIGHTS: On Tuesday, the Declaration for American Democracy Coalition (DFAD) hosted a panel with Georgia Conservation Voters Executive Director Brionté McCorkle and other national democracy partners to highlight the connection between climate justice and the need for strong voting rights. They discussed how the Freedom to Vote Act would return power to voters and protect our planet. Watch a recording of the panel here.
VERMONT SENATE OVERRIDES GOVERNOR PHIL SCOTT’S VETO OF AFFORDABLE HEAT ACT: On Tuesday, The Vermont Senate voted 20-10 to override Republican Gov. Phil Scott’s veto of the Affordable Heat Act. The Affordable Heat Act is critical for Vermont to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and access clean, affordable energy. Read more about this act and its implications for Vermont’s clean energy goals here.
VCV TAKE: Vermont Conservation Voters Executive Director Lauren Hierl said, “We are grateful that the Senate voted to override Governor Scott’s disappointing veto of the Affordable Heat Act. The Senate recognized that the bill aims to help all Vermonters transition to more affordable heating options, instead of leaving too many people reliant on heating fuels like oil whose price has spiked $2 per gallon in the past year.”
CHISPA NV’s ARIA FLORES TESTIFIES IN SUPPORT OF A BILL THAT WOULD STRENGTHEN DEMOCRACY: On Thursday, Chispa NV’s Deputy Civic Engagement Director Aria Flores testified in support of S.B.60, which aims to safeguard Nevada elections by adopting a cyber-incident response plan with precise reporting requirements for county and city clerks and election officials. Check out this Twitter thread for more information, and follow Chispa Nevada on Twitter for more updates.
RHODE ISLAND ADOPTS NEW CLEAN CAR AND TRUCK RULES: On Wednesday, the Rhode Island state legislature adopted Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks Standards. Based on California’s state standard, these rules require that imported cars be zero emissions by 2035. These were adopted to meet the state’s Act on Climate requirements signed into law last year. Rhode Island joins 13 other states and DC that have adopted California’s standard.
CHISPA ARIZONA AND LEADERS CELEBRATE A CLEAN RIDE 4 KIDS: Chispa Arizona teamed up with EDF Action, Mom’s Clean Air Force, Defend our Future, and Sierra Club Arizona as well as local community leaders to celebrate the $2.73 million in clean school bus funding coming to the Isaac School District in Phoenix. Follow Chispa Arizona on Twitter for more.
ALL OF MAY: Asian American Pacific Islander Month