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LCV Statement on International Workers Day

May 1, 2017

Betsy Lopez-Wagner, 202-454-4570,

Washington, DC: League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski released the following statement in recognition of International Workers Day:

“On May Day, we stand with our friends who are taking to the streets, and we join in calling for labor rights that put this country’s workers—many of whom come from low income and communities of color, many of whom are immigrants—ahead of corporations. United we march—over the weekend we did so for climate, justice and jobs at the Peoples Climate March.

For 100 days, we have watched the administration trample the well being of our workers and families by undermining our progress towards clean air and a healthy climate. In the last eight years, President Obama made more progress than any other president in the fight against climate change, and he and our allies in Congress beat back the vast majority of attacks on critical environmental protections, defending the health and safety of our workers and low-income and communities of color, people who all too frequently find themselves on the frontlines of climate change.  Now, with Trump in the White House, our reality has changed—this administration is intent on killing the clean energy economy that will boost our nation’s jobs while lowering energy bills.

As people across the globe honor workers today, we stand with our allies in labor.”